The Significance of Having a Routine in Everyday Life

Today we are going to discuss the significance of having a routine as part of your everyday life. We will talk about the relationship between routines and the cycles of nature, the benefits of having a routine, and how, whether we know it or not, we are already built to operate on routine cycles already.

Aligning with the Universe

Why are consistency and discipline necessary? Because that's how the universe works; because that's how nature works. Everything that occurs in nature happens consistently, happens routinely, and happens cyclically.

Observing the Rhythms of Nature

The sun operates on a daily cycle when it rises during the day and sets at night, the moon operates on a cycle as it waxes and wanes over the course of a month, and different regions of the planet experience the same seasons at specific periods of the year.

The Power of Cycles

This means that everything that we do should be done on the same accord. It is in the products of our cycles that we yield our manifestations because everything that nature produces is produced as a product of a cycle. A tree bears ripe fruit at specific times of the year because it is on a cycle.

Understanding Natural Cycles

To the untrained mind, observance of the natural universe will be perceived as chaotic, but that is only due to the observer being unfamiliar with the naturally occurring cycles of the universe. Everything being observed is the product of a multitude of routine cycles that take place.

Creating Desired Results

The beauty in nature is that everything done routinely has an outcome. In order to create the desired outcome, one has to only observe how that outcome is routinely produced and recreate the cyclical occurrences that lead to that outcome.

The Role of Routine

If I had a desire to create an astonishing work of art, but I’ve never drawn before, or I’m seeking to become an expert pianist but never played the piano, is it still possible to accomplish? Yes, because once I begin to put in the time, on a consistent basis, I will achieve the levels of artistic skill required; why? Because I developed a cycle around developing the necessary skills.

The Strength of Continuous Cycles

It takes a certain number of cycles occurring to yield the desired outcome and even when the desired product is produced, continuous cyclical occurrences increase the strength and potency of that which is produced. Continuous cycles represent an increased frequency which again boosts the qualities of the product, and the increased rate at which the cycles occur, or the routine is performed, also affects the qualities of that which is produced.

Exercise and Art

The more frequently I exercise by lifting weights, the stronger I will become, or the more consistently I choose to go for a run, the further and longer I will be able to run. Likewise as an artist, the more frequently I draw, the greater the quality of the art I produce.

Synchronizing with Nature

Whether we are aware or not our lives are based on cycles. Our bodies operate on a multitude of cycles which should be In-sync with the cycles of nature and natural phenomena.

Physiological Cycles in Our Bodies

Some of our natural and physiological cycles include; our sleep-wake cycle which should be in sync with the cycles of the sun, women’s menstrual cycles which should be in sync with the cycle of the moon, our metabolic cycles, our heart, and circulatory system and even our cycle of breathing, These are but a tiny few of the cycles that are in operation every moment of every day.

Harmonizing with Nature

The behavioral routines that we choose to implement must not conflict with the cycles of nature but be in harmony with them. Sometimes it may prove challenging to develop constructive routines but that is often because we are attempting to implement too many at the same time and are having difficulty sacrificing the old routines that are currently holding the position of the new, more constructive, routines that we are seeking to introduce.

Avoiding Overload

Let’s imagine a juggler who’s capable of juggling 3 balls at one time but if you were to add in a few extra balls or a different object to the mix and you’ll see him struggle. The same can be said about trying to implement too many new routines into your day-to-day, it may be too challenging for you to maintain but taking your time and adding in one new manageable habit is much more likely to lead to enduring success.

Critical for Success

Observation is also critical to the successful implementation and comprehension of cycles; there are so many cycles that lead to a behavior or outcome, that it takes accurate identification and observation of this cycle and what variables need to be modified or replaced to yield the desired outcome.

Identifying Key Variables

This means that anyone seeking to lose body fat should perhaps begin by observing the repeated variables in their current cycle of behavior and identifying which aspects led to their weight gain and making the necessary modification. It's safe to say that the quality of food consumed is a strong variable relating to one's body composition so if not addressed when developing new cycles of behavior, the desired outcome most likely will not be attained.

Embracing Cyclical Operations

So in summation, The universe operates cyclically and since we are beings of the universe, we are naturally designed to operate in accordance with a routine. Nature operates on cycles and it is through its cycles that it produces all the wonders of the world so it will be to our benefit to act in accordance with that and develop constructive cycles of behavior or routines because the outcomes we seek are intimately connected with our routines.


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